Tuesday 21 April 2015

(old)Pastebin Mass Poster

Free Pastebin Mass Poster

[EDIT] V1.1 release
A couple things have been added with the V1.1 release, they are:
Multiple titles
You can have your post posted under multiple titles. You should list them one under another in the post.txt file. Like this:

Multiple posts
You can now list multiple posts. List them one under another and seperate them with ### inside the post.txt file. Like so:

Captcha support
A captcha enterbox now pop's up when there is a captcha to enter. You no longer have to manually go to the website to enter captcha's.

Syntax Highlighting, Paste Expiration, Paste Exposure
You can now specify the Syntax Highlighting, Paste Expiration, Paste Exposure in the conf.ini file. See Read me for all options.

The scrambler option replaces random characters in your post with special characters. It is made to avoid getting caught in the spam filters and having your post listed as unlisted. Activate scrambler by setting it to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Add's a line from the ghosttext.txt file to the bottom of your post to make your posts longer and more unique to avoid getting your posts listed as unlisted. Activate this feature by setting it to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Captcha alert
Plays sound when captcha need to be entered. Activate this feature by setting captchaalert to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Getting started

Open "conf.ini" to setup the program:

login = False //Set to "True" if you want to post with a account or leave it "False" to post anonymously.
userlogin = myusername //replace "myusername" with your pastebin user name. Leave black and you will be prompted for it.
userpass = mypassword  //replace "mypassword" with your pastebin password. Leave black and you will be prompted for it.

interval = 1 //Time between posts in minutes. Set to 0 to post without a delay.
posts = 2    //Number of times it will post.
syntaxhighlighting = 1  //1:None, 14:C#, 25:HTML,  28:JavaScript //See Readme for more.
expire = N //N:Never, 1H: 1Hour, 1M: 1 Month //See Readme for more.
exposure = 0 //0:Public, 1:Unlisted, 2:Private
scrambler = False //Changes random characters to special characters.
ghosttext = False //Add's text to the bottom of posts
captchaalert = False //Play sound when captcha need to be entered.

enabled = False //Set to "True" to enable proxies.
path = proxies.txt //Path to proxylist

Next open "post.txt":

Pastebin Mass Poster

Write your title under "###TITLE###" and you post under ###TEXT###.
Do not remove ###TITLE### and ###TEXT###.

If you want to use proxies, Copy your proxy list to proxies.txt.
The proxy support is a little buggy, it should work with a set of working http proxies.

After that run "program.exe" and start posting.
The program will post and then save the pastebin post link to "urls.txt".


Download V1.1
VirusTotal 0 / 46

Old Releases
Download V1.0

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