Tuesday, 1 September 2015

UPDATE! Proxy Scraper Script V1.1(Python) 9/1/2015

Updated 9/6/2015!

Hi guys,

This is the a update to my proxy scraper, it should now perform better and gather more proxies.
The script now gathers +5400 proxies. The dependency on BeautifulSoup4 has been removed and replaced with the re, a native Python library. The script now runs completely on native Python without any third party libraries.

Proxy Sites:



-Gathers +3200 +5400 proxies
-Added Multithreading Support
-Removed BeautifulSoup4
-Added http://www.samair.ru
-Added http://www.proxylisty.com

-Added http://nntime.com
-Added http://www.aliveproxy.com



-VirusTotal 0/55



Monday, 29 June 2015

Proxy Scraper Script(Python) 2015

(1/9/2015) A new/updated Proxy scraper Python script is available here.

Hi Guys,

I made a new updated proxies scraping script for 2015. The script scrapes about 730 proxies from 4 proxies sites then saves them to a file. It scrapes from






Python Libraries:


Saturday, 27 June 2015

Fzmovies Quick Downloader (Python Script)

Hi Guys,

I wrote a quick script to make downloading movies from fzmovies.net faster and easier for my phone. It scrapes and displays this movies from latest to oldest. Then you just select a movie and it will open the link in your browser. The script doesn't download the movies itself, mainly because i find that downloading large files with python is unreliable and tends to corrupt. I always recommend using a good download manager.

The script is written in Python and uses the BeautifulSoup4 library.  Feel free to share and edit the script. Let me apologise beforehand, i didn't intend to share this script at first and doesn't have much readability to it.

I hope you guys find it useful.




-Python 2.7

Python Libraries:


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Youtube Downloader&Scraper (Python Script)

Hi Guys,

This script scrapes Youtube video's to get direct download links, a third party website is used to scrape the Youtube video's and then the script scrapes the third party website.

The script can be used to download Youtube video's or just scrape the direct download links and save them to a file, useful for uses that want to use a download manager instead of the script to download the video's.

The script can download single video's or multiple from a file.

How to download:

Single link Download

Replace the "yt" variable in the script with your Youtube link.

yt = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxxxxxxxx"


Multi link Download

Load multiple Youtube links from a file by drag and dropping it on to the script.
NOTE:Must be a ".txt" file


To change settings edit the "settings" variable in the script.

settings = {"quality" : "5",
   "download" : True,
   "save" : True,
   "debug" : True,
   "debug2" : False}

Quality: 0)  HD720
              1)  Medium webm
              2)  Medium mp4
              3)  Small x-flv
              4)  Small 3gpp
              5)  Smallest 3gpp

Download: Download video after scape if "True"

Save: Save scraped links to file if "True"

Debug: Enable debug output.

Debug2: Extra redundant debug output.




-Python 2.7


Youtube direct video links are most likely ip specific meaning you won't be able the directly share the links with others, only you will be able the use the scraped link to download the video. The scraped video links do have a ip variable in the url, changing the value might allow you to directly share the links but I have not tried it.


Videos without the right quality's available might cause the script to crash, usually very small video's don't have them.

Feel free to use the comments below to report any bug's, ask to modified the script or just leave a comment.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

(old)Pastebin Mass Poster

Free Pastebin Mass Poster

[EDIT] V1.1 release
A couple things have been added with the V1.1 release, they are:
Multiple titles
You can have your post posted under multiple titles. You should list them one under another in the post.txt file. Like this:

Multiple posts
You can now list multiple posts. List them one under another and seperate them with ### inside the post.txt file. Like so:

Captcha support
A captcha enterbox now pop's up when there is a captcha to enter. You no longer have to manually go to the website to enter captcha's.

Syntax Highlighting, Paste Expiration, Paste Exposure
You can now specify the Syntax Highlighting, Paste Expiration, Paste Exposure in the conf.ini file. See Read me for all options.

The scrambler option replaces random characters in your post with special characters. It is made to avoid getting caught in the spam filters and having your post listed as unlisted. Activate scrambler by setting it to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Add's a line from the ghosttext.txt file to the bottom of your post to make your posts longer and more unique to avoid getting your posts listed as unlisted. Activate this feature by setting it to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Captcha alert
Plays sound when captcha need to be entered. Activate this feature by setting captchaalert to "True" in the conf.ini file.

Getting started

Open "conf.ini" to setup the program:

login = False //Set to "True" if you want to post with a account or leave it "False" to post anonymously.
userlogin = myusername //replace "myusername" with your pastebin user name. Leave black and you will be prompted for it.
userpass = mypassword  //replace "mypassword" with your pastebin password. Leave black and you will be prompted for it.

interval = 1 //Time between posts in minutes. Set to 0 to post without a delay.
posts = 2    //Number of times it will post.
syntaxhighlighting = 1  //1:None, 14:C#, 25:HTML,  28:JavaScript //See Readme for more.
expire = N //N:Never, 1H: 1Hour, 1M: 1 Month //See Readme for more.
exposure = 0 //0:Public, 1:Unlisted, 2:Private
scrambler = False //Changes random characters to special characters.
ghosttext = False //Add's text to the bottom of posts
captchaalert = False //Play sound when captcha need to be entered.

enabled = False //Set to "True" to enable proxies.
path = proxies.txt //Path to proxylist

Next open "post.txt":

Pastebin Mass Poster

Write your title under "###TITLE###" and you post under ###TEXT###.
Do not remove ###TITLE### and ###TEXT###.

If you want to use proxies, Copy your proxy list to proxies.txt.
The proxy support is a little buggy, it should work with a set of working http proxies.

After that run "program.exe" and start posting.
The program will post and then save the pastebin post link to "urls.txt".


Download V1.1
VirusTotal 0 / 46

Old Releases
Download V1.0

(old)Free python class for fake info generation!

Hi Guys,

I created a python class that provides new unique fake data at your request. It provides a unique fake firstname, surname, number, email, username, password, maiden name, birthday, mastercard with expiry date, occupation, company and website.


Collects and stores the data. The username and surname is collected from namelist.txt and the rest is collected from fakenamegenerator.com.

Request a new set of data. The will provide a new firstname, surname, birthday, etc.

Returns firstname as string

Returns surname as string

Returns phone number as string

Returns email address as string

Returns username as string

Returns password as string

Returns maiden name as string

Returns birthday as string
Returns month of birthday as string
Returns day of birthday as string
Returns year of birthday as string

Returns mastercard as string
Returns expiry date of  mastercard as string

Returns occupation as string

Returns company as string

Returns website as string


Extract fackinfogen.py to your project folder.
from fakeinfogen import infogen
info = infogen() #Create infogen object
info.populate() #Grabs all data and creats first data set.
print 'Hi, my name is ' + info.firstname() + ' ' + info.surname() + ', i was born in ' + info.year()
info.new() #Get new data set.
print 'Hi, my name is ' + info.firstname() + ' ' + info.surname() + ', i was born in ' + info.year()


Hi, my name is Ronald Hice, i was born in 1966.
Hi, my name is Nathan Gomez, i was born in 1960.


Note: The class needs Python 2.7 and need the BeautifulSoup library to run.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Free Fzmovies - Full Movies - Direct Downloads - List(Full) 2000+

--Full List--

Scraped list of full movies from fzmovies.
It contains 2000+ Movies with direct download links.

List scraped Jan. 2015
Download here


John Wick
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2911666/

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Image Scraper

How to:

To start out you just add one or more url's to the top box, alternatively you can load a list of url's from a file, Then you click start and wait for the scraped image links to appear in the bottom box. Note that there might be a small lag in the links that are scraped and the bottom box updating.


The bottom box that shows all the scraped image links has a small flaw. You cannot directly copy the links form it, ctrl + c won't work. You will have to save to a file and go from there. This program also doesn't have a option to download and save images apart from the preview option. The reason it doesn't mass download images and only scrape image links is because there are plenty download managers that are made to be reliable. They will work a lot faster for mass download than anything a could slap together for a added features. I recommend using orbit which i usually use but i am sure there are plenty of other good download managers.
You can import your list of Image links with orbit by clicking File - Import list of downloads. Orbit also allows you to set how many to download at once and download speed.

Preview box:

The preview box shows a preview of the image link you are clicking on. You can save the image in the preview box by clicking on it. So far it can only save bmp, gif, jpeg, png, tiff and wmf but the scraper still scrapes all image formats.


None that i know off, Please post any that you find here and i will try to fix them.


.NET Framework 3.5


- ImageScraper-1.0

If you have any thing you would like my to add or change feel free to ask and i will consider doing so.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Indexer and Scraper




This indexer index's a page and all their subpages. It can scrapes Links, images links, video links, iframe links, embed links.

mywebsite.com > forum > sign up, profile, login, logout
                          > products > downloads
                          > contact us

Match Text

Only scrape urls that contains the text. If you only want to scrape http://mywebsite.com you should use "mywebsite.com" as the match text.


This scraper takes a list of urls and returns links, image links.

If you find any problems please post them here and i will try to fix it. Feel free to make suggestion and ask me to add functionality.


.NET Framework 4.5


 - Indexer & Scraper-1.0

Monday, 12 January 2015

Simple Proxy Scraper Python Script

New! (1/9/2015) A new/updated Proxy scraper Python script is available here.
(12/1/2015) A new Proxy scraper Python script is available here.

Hi guys,

I made a python proxy scraping script for linux vps. The script should run fine on
any linux system, most linux systems come standard with python. If you want to run the script on windows, download and install python 2.7 not python 3.

The scripts grabs about 120 proxies and saves them to a file named "proxies<date+time>.txt"

Proxies are grabbed from:

The script was made to be dynamic and scrape any proxy site where the proxies are
listed as "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx" without any thing between the ip and the port in the source. You should be able to add other proxy sites to the script if proxies are listed as such. You can add extra sites to the script by adding it to the "urls" varible under #PROGRAM.

Feel free to ask for help.
Is there any demand for python, linux programs or bots? I prefer making stuff for linux over windows.

  -Python 2.7

  - ScraperScript-1.0